Saturday, August 22, 2009

I'm in a new house!

Brett's been busting his hind end getting boxes and furniture moved over the last two days while
I've been working 7:30 to 11:00 and then 7:30 to 9:30 making money. I have felt terribly useless knowing that I'm not doing much moving. We borrowed a truck for the day tomorrow and we both have the day off so we're going to try to empty the old house and get it all into the new house.

The internet here is so fast I'm a little dizzy just typing this. The kitchen is repainted and completely awesome. The cell phone works almost all the time. And from where I'm sitting on a couch Brett moved ALL ALONE, watching our DTV and posting a blog, life is pretty good.

Catch you tomorrow!


Mom said...

Congratulations! Hang in there. All your hard work will be worth it once you are settled. How is it possible to move a couch by yourself? Yeah for Brett! I bet Honus helped a little. Sounds like you are already appreciating your new place and that is great. Don't forget to get me you new address.

Illinois Aunt said...

Wow! When you decide to make a move, you DO IT! It sounds like a good place. Remoteness is nice, but it's good to have modern communication.
Also, Soylent Green is people. I'm just sayin'.

Kate said...

Illinois Aunt-
I knew I couldn't be the only one who knew about Soylent Green. Thank you for again proving just how very much we have in common.