Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I've joined the ranks of Pinterest. Whatever spare moments my life used to contain, they are gone now. Ha! But it has made me want to get cracking on some house projects. I've been getting better about making lists for myself to keep track of all the things I need to do. I do it at work, and I've been making house cleaning lists for my days at home with Tris. It works pretty well, although I've noticed that everytime I accomplish something NOT on the list, I feel serious frustration at not being able to cross it off or erase it. Sometimes I write it down, just so I can cross it off. I feel more productive that way.

Here's a quick list of house projects I'd like to start or finish this summer.

Fix the uneven front step- no budget
take the fake turf off the step and clean the concrete- no budget
evict Mr. Chipmunk- $15
plant a front flower bed (shade loving plants essential!) $50
plant a beautiful, welcoming flower pot for front step $25
Fence the back yard- $2,000 budget
Stay on top of the veggie garden in the back yard- no budget
Reset the paving stones into a walking path around the side of the house- no budget
Consider and budget for changes to deck.

Tear up and replace carpeting in living room, front entrance and hallway.
decorate T's room- $200 budget
Fix lazy corner in living room- no budget
Re-do and organize the laundry room - $150 dollar budget
Consider and budget for changes to the kitchen.

Find sturdy chairs to go with our dining room table. -$300
Refinish the bakery chair- $25-40
Frame the mirror we took off the wall in the bathroom and hang in the living room. $25-40
Look at replacement options for drapes in living room.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Ruby Giant Crocus

I have taken a sick day today. Brett and the little guy are hanging out with his visiting family, so for the first time since Tris was born I have an empty house all day and orders to relax. I stepped outside to take a few shots of the Ruby Giant crocuses that have just started blooming in the last couple of days. There's tulips too, but they'll bloom later, if they escape the small burrowing creature that apparently likes to eat flower bulbs.

I had planned to plant a whole border of crocus and tulips along the front stoop, but when I found the little chipmunk tunnels I stopped. I'm surprised as many of them made it as did. The rest of the bulbs I planted in a beautiful black pot and kept sheltered in the garage. A few weeks ago I noticed that it had been thoroughly dug up by our resident mouse. Not sure how many of the remaining bulbs survived the mouse attack, but I'm on the warpath now for rodentia. Anyone know a reliable fairly humane way to discourage chipmunks from living under your front step?

In any case, this is what is left: a few gorgeous crocuses blooming in my yard. Hiya, Spring! Stick around, won't you?