Monday, June 28, 2010

Ch ch ch Changes!

Look out Windy City, Brett and I are blowing in!

The big news is I have been offered and accepted a job at Kline Creek Farm in Winfield, Illinois, which means that Brett and I are going to be moving west in another few weeks. The timing is wonderful in some ways (we'll be about 13 hours closer to the wedding ceremony come August and I'll be much closer to my relatives which will be good for planning purposes) and in someways is pretty darn lousy. We'll miss the HoF inductions by a couple weeks, we'll have less than three weeks to settle before the wedding weekend. All the wedding stuff is going to have to get boxed up separately and well labeled so that I can get to it without unpacking everything.

That being said, I think i need to go get cracking on some packing planning. No way are we going to be as disorganized as the last move. There's no time or energy for crappy packing!


Ashley said...

That is so exciting! I'm happy for you. Also, Winfield is about 10 minutes away from our house.

Mom said...

No time for crappy packing! Those are words to live by! Perhaps they should be stitched on a quilt. Stay focused - you can do it!

Mom said...

Hey - that's you on the Kline Creek Website! How perfect is that!