Friday, April 16, 2010


Slowly, slowly, spring is coming to Central New York. And it is good.

Last Sunday was Easter and we celebrated with a big meal out on the porch. It was a little too chilly, really, but it felt good to be welcoming spring when it felt well and truly springy. I'm looking forward to more meals on the porch as the weather warms.

The little red shoots in the front flower beds turned into big leafy tulips and now have buds just tinged with pink at the seams, ready to bloom in another week or so. We also have a few daffodils, the first one of which just opened up today. Daffodils have been blooming in other people's yards and all along the roadways for couple weeks, so I was wondering when the ones in our yard would bloom. I blame it on the amount of daylight the yard gets- slows everything down and keeps them straggly and small. Bummer for a veggie garden.

I'm still working on the socks I talked about in the last post, the ones from the book my Mom bought me (bad Kate...) for my birthday with the yarn my Aunt got me for Christmas on the needles I bought myself as a souvenir from Chelsea's wedding.

The pattern is fantastic! Really really fun to knit, yielding a fabric that is feminine and full of movement without being overly complex. I've worked on it during the slow minutes at work, trying to keep my fingers out of the donuts, and it's been very helpful. Given that, the socks should be further along than they are, but I've been spending a lot of what used to be knitting time playing Dragon Age on our Xbox 360. I get sucked in, what can I say.

I'm also spending more time running. Ostensibly, I'm training to run a marathon this fall. I'm on the last week of a 9 week long "couch to 5K" training podcast. This last week I run 32 minutes without walking, which should be about 3.1 miles. After this week is over, I will start a new program with Brett. the goal is to get fit enough to marathon, but I'm hoping it also will keep me motivated to eat wholesome food for energy, and help me trim down for the wedding.

Which is coming up fast. 113 days, according to The Knot. Invitations need to go out soon- still have to finish putting together all the enclosures and get them ready to address. I know we will be sending them slightly earlier than is customary, because we want to be sure everyone has time to make comfortable travel plans.

1 comment:

cold beer and a fishin' pole said...

Maybe it is the bottle of port that I drank tonight, but there was a lot of grammatical errors in this.

I have informed our mother about the price reduction, but as of yet I haven't figured out the exact phone number to give mother for Debby.

Good luck with the marathon! Big step from running 5 Ks.

Lil' Brudder