Wednesday, March 18, 2009

warming trend

It's sprinkling a little bit right now, but the past few days have been amazing weather wise, leaving little time for writing or knitting. Monday, Brett and I took a lovely long walk down the road. He was walking into work, I turned around at a little over two miles and took Honus back to the house. It was really nice to be out and about in the fresh air and sunshine with bare extremities, but I paid for it the next morning when my calves were so stiff I could barely walk.

I'm still hurting pretty bad today, but I think that's at least partly due to working in the brand new garden. I've been inspired by a book I took out of the library to set up the garden in four very manageable sections with walking space between. Today I finished turning over the sod in the pea and lettuce quadrant. I'll let it dry out and shake the topsoil back into the bed. Apparently this is supposed to keep weeds down better than just rototilling. Sure is a ton of work though; at least the bed is small. If the weather stays nice, I'm hoping to plant the peas by next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! You have a lot of ambition. Gardens are so much work! I just can't get into that - never have been all that successful at it.