Friday, July 30, 2010


In one week, at this time, I will frantically be throwing together last minute details, trying to keep at least one brain cell on everything that needs to be done and everyone who is involved at all times, corralling wedding party, and immediate family together and generally losing my cotton pickin mind as I get ready to go to the rehersal for the wedding.

I've had to completely cut caffeine from my diet because I was screaming sentences comprised of words that made no sense in the general direction of my bewildered and frankly annoyed fiance. Over seating charts. I would shake and rock back and forth and generally flip my lid.

No more diet coke. At all. Until after the wedding.


Anonymous said...

Seating charts are VERY COMPLICATED. Your reaction seems totally rational to me, but if you want to give up a perfectly legal cold beverage, more power to you. If you ask me, this is not the week to give up anything.

Kate said...

Ha! Thanks for the reassurance Anon!

I have honestly noticed a dramatic difference in the way I deal with stress when on and off the buzz. It's medically a drug, and I'm ok with dropping it out of my diet to preserve my sanity!

Mom said...

Delegate - I'm sitting here doing nothing - playing on the computer - I should be sewing more flags for the bunting - give me more to do!