Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Brett was looking for some workout clothes in the dryer this evening.


Instead, he found one of these:


Bwahahahahaha. Silly Chester.

Been using my time off from work to be productive (ish). We haven't signed contracts yet but we've started filling them out for a photographer and a caterer. We have printed up our Save the Date postcards and will be mailing them out really soon. Wedding plans progress! (I can't wait to show you the photographer's website; I love his work and can't wait to see what he does for us.)

I finished a pair of mittens for Brett. Double thick. At about a 8st/in gauge. Oofda. A nice knit for picking up whenever there was time but it was pretty simple. Reports are that they are very warm. Now I've started a pair of blue and white colorwork mittens. The yarn is from Rhinebeck and the pattern is mishmoshed from the Selbuvotter mitten book with a motif lifted from Mary Scott Huff's The New Stranded Colorwork as the center. I'll show you pictures soon.


Chelsea and Jeff said...

Hey Kate! I finally read your comment about the aga and weavery on our blog... I am obviously a little behind on these things. To answer your question from long long ago, the answer is no. The weavery does not have a website. Hope all is well with you and yours! Love, Chelsea

Chelsea and Jeff said...

Also! Kate! I have been reading your other posts (I am behind) and YAY for herbs at weddings! We did rosemary in the napkin holders with little ribbons. It keeps well enough such that you can tie them the day before and they are still fresh enough to be fragrant and delicious. I would love to hear all about your ideas. I'm missing a little wedding planning in my life... ;)