Saturday, September 12, 2009

Pros and Cons

Hard Things:

A) The pets have been pretty badly behaved since we got back from the trip and I don't know what the trouble is, other than they don't have as much room to screw around in now that we're in the smaller house. Honus has been especially rowdy, picking on Abby just for fun, and confronting Chester at inappropriate hours of the morning. We need to do more running.

B) I got used to staying in a beautiful house, sleeping in a beautiful bed, having my beautiful friends close at hand and feeling ok spending a little more money than usual over the vacation and it is hard to return to reality.

C) Pretty much everything is still boxed and a total mess. I can't walk around without tripping on something and I can't find anything I need when I need it.

Good Things:

A) I have tons of knitwear ideas bouncing around my skull. In MN, I went to a real yarn store and I felt the Knitting Spirit move me. On vacation I finished a pair of socks and now I want to do a whole bunch more. I'm imagining a big wooly sweater with long sleeves, a zipper, cables, and a hood. How about a few pairs of solid socks in subtle stitch patterns? A matching hat and colorwork mitten set. A pair of argyle socks. A colorwork sweater solid enough to wear as a fall coat...

B) Mom and Karen and I found a beautiful wedding dress and we bought it. So I can cross that off the wedding list.

C) I'm about to have about 20 extra hours a week to work out and cook and plan wedding stuff and volunteer at a local museum and get Penelope Fiberworks off the ground. This is a Very Good Thing.


Mom said...

Where are the extra 20 hours coming from? Are they just cutting back hours, or are you down to one job? Another perk of extra hours, is you can get a lot of boxes unpacked in 20 hours! And that will make life much more pleasant and enjoyable! Good luck with the naughty pets.

Nona said...

We heard about the wedding dress shopping. How much fun was that!