Today it looks like this

I should be focused and project monogamous, but I'm finding loyalty to seemingly miles of stockinette (knit across 400 stitches, purl back across 400 stitches) hard to stay excited about. If a brilliant pair of colorwork mittens is like the pairs figure skating, then this sweater is probably the men's 30k cross country skiing pursuit: long and repetitive with little chance for dazzle (except this year's thrilling race. Go Sweden!).
The yarn is lovely to knit with and is producing a soft elegantly draping fabric that I really like. It's now too heavy to hold and knit standing, so I've had to stop knit while getting in my bike work out. fortunately, the mindless knitting is good to take with to work. Winter is slow at the bakery and I have about an hour to an hour and a half's worth of spare minutes during any given day. The last couple days I've brought the Olympic Sweater and worked on that between customers and clean up. By the end of tonight, I hope to have finished the body and be casting on for the arms. They are knit over far fewer stitches, completely in the round and only need to be 3/4 length, so they should be just a two day section. Then I'll pick up and knit the shawl collar which I already know is going to be the hardest part.
I have let myself be distracted with other projects. I'm working on a little something for the wedding guests and have done some trials for that experiment. Looking good so far. I've also cleaned up some empty jars I had laying around and hot glued some of the Christmas doilies to them.

And Brett asked if I would draw a tattoo on his arm, so one evening instead of knitting, I designed an arm piece featuring our pets as comic book heroes.

It's all washed off now, of course, but I thought it was pretty awesome.

Go Sweden?? WTF?!? This is AMERICA!
There's nothing wrong with Swedish tendencies.
How very true. But let us not forget that these are the Olympics. A time where nations get together, forget their differences and compete with a feeling of brotherhood... And all the while, I sit in front of my televisions screaming: USA! USA! USA!
*television, although televisions would be ok.
ps. GO KATE! Sweater looks great! Good Job!
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