The night we pulled in from the Midwest, we stopped off to get a tree stand and some lights. The next morning we cleared a spot in the house,

got giant pickles at the Great American, and headed to peruse the tree lot.
The Lions Club guys were very pleasant (tree lot guys always seem to be, have you noticed?) and soon we had a very lovely balsam fir twined to the roof of the car.

We pressed an obliging branch into service as a tripod and commemorated our First Real GrownUp Christmas Tree

We dragged it inside, lit it, ornamented it and now we sit and enjoy its cheery glow. 22 days to Christmas!

Honus can't wait!

A Beautiful Tree! Congratulations! Love the photo by the car. Our tree won't be going up until the windows are replaced and painted. That was supposed to be a summer project. Jeff should be here on the 11 and 12. Then I paint. Then I put up the tree. You are way ahead of me!
Great tree.
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