Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Dear Spring,

I understand that you appreciate the drama of a late arrival. You do know how to make an entrance, after all. I know that absence makes the heart grow fonder, and that anticipating good things makes them so much better when they get here.

But please, please hurry!

It has been such a long winter and I need a little sunlight and green growing things. I know it's only February and I must be patient. Do you know that your good buddy Winter has left snow on the ground since I moved here in the middle of November? Please, make it stop!

I say all this in anticipation of yet another snow storm on its way tonight. You have the power. You could make all this suffering end. You could bring us warm air and little budding flowers. You could cut our heating bill from the insane hundreds of dollars a month we pay just to hover around 60 degrees. I'm not asking for a vacation. I just need a little break.

So if you could just think about showing up on time this year instead of waiting until late April like you usually do. And if you were really really generous, maybe even showing up a little early to the party? Would tomorrow be asking too much?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, spring. ditto.